Weather Information

Friday, 7th February 2025
Düsseldorf, Germany
Current Weather
Conditions:Overcast Clouds
Feels Like:0°C
Wind:050 / 11 Knots
Humidity:87 %
Bar. Pressure:1033 hPa
Weather Information kindly provided by OpenWeather.

Runway Operations

Recent Activities
Departures Not Available
Arrivals Not Available
Wind Components
23-11 Knots
05 11 Knots
X-Wind 0.6 Knots
Expected Availability
Friday, 7th February 2025
23L/05RNot Available
23R/05LNot Available
Activities based on ADS-B messages (>80% aircraft coverage).
Weather & Wind data kindly provided by OpenWeather.

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Showing 1 - 20 of 52 Pictures

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▸︎ Spantax
▸︎ Convair 990

Wolfgang Mendorf (1972)
«The only Spantax Coronado to wear this white paint below the cheatline, missing the airline logo at the nose»
▸︎ Spantax
▸︎ McDonnell Douglas DC-9-30

Wolfgang Mendorf (1983)
«Revised livery»

▸︎ Spantax
▸︎ McDonnell Douglas DC-9-30

Wolfgang Mendorf (1982)
«Original livery»
▸︎ Spantax
▸︎ McDonnell Douglas MD-83

Wolfgang Mendorf (1988)

▸︎ Spantax
▸︎ McDonnell Douglas DC-9-14

Wolfgang Mendorf (1974)
«Original livery»
▸︎ Spantax
▸︎ Douglas DC-10-30CF

Arno Janssen (1983)

▸︎ Spantax
▸︎ Douglas DC-10-10
▸︎ N917JW

Wolfgang Mendorf (1988)
«Basic World Airways livery»
▸︎ Spantax
▸︎ Douglas DC-10-30CF

Wolfgang Mendorf (1984)
«New style tail logo on basic Icelandair livery»

▸︎ Spantax
▸︎ Douglas DC-10-30CF

Wolfgang Mendorf (1983)
«Missing tail logo»
▸︎ Spantax
▸︎ Douglas DC-10-30CF

Wolfgang Mendorf (1983)
«Icelandair cheatline and old Spantax logo on tail and new style Spantax titles on fuselage plus added on no. 2 engine»

▸︎ Spantax
▸︎ Douglas DC-10-30CF

Wolfgang Mendorf (1983)
«Basic Icelandair livery with old style Spantax tail logo and new style titles»
▸︎ Spantax
▸︎ McDonnell Douglas MD-83

Hajo Warnken (1987)
«EC-EFK and the sister ship EC-EFJ completed a really short intermezzo in the colors of the new Spantax in winter 1987/88. Only three flights were carried out on Sunday afternoons, then Spantax was only a legend. This aircraft returned to DUS as an F-GHED»

▸︎ Spantax
▸︎ Douglas DC-8-61

Wolfgang Mendorf (1986)
▸︎ Spantax
▸︎ Convair 990

Wolfgang Mendorf (1976)
«Still with dirty engines»

▸︎ Spantax
▸︎ Douglas DC-8-61CF

Wolfgang Mendorf (1984)
«Mixed intermediate livery with old fuselage and new titles and tail logo»
▸︎ Spantax
▸︎ Convair 990

Wolfgang Mendorf (1972)
«Those were the days: Another dirty Coronado take-off»

▸︎ Spantax
▸︎ Douglas DC-8-61CF

Wolfgang Mendorf (1979)
▸︎ Spantax
▸︎ Convair 990

Wolfgang Mendorf (1974)
«Smoke gets in your eyes...»

▸︎ Spantax
▸︎ McDonnell Douglas DC-9-15

Arno Janssen (1975)
▸︎ Spantax
▸︎ Convair 990

Udo Haafke (1979)

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