Weather Information
Friday, 7th February 2025 |
Düsseldorf, Germany |
Sunrise | 07:58 |
Sunset | 17:35 |
Current Weather |
Conditions: | Few Clouds |
Temperature: | 3°C |
Feels Like: | 0°C |
Wind: | 050 / 9 Knots |
Humidity: | 90 % |
Bar. Pressure: | 1034 hPa |
Weather Information kindly provided by OpenWeather. |
Runway Operations
Recent Activities
Departures | Not Available |
Arrivals | Not Available |
Wind Components |
23 | -9 Knots |
05 | 9 Knots |
X-Wind | 0.5 Knots |
Expected Availability |
Friday, 7th February 2025 |
23L/05R | Not Available |
23R/05L | Not Available |
Activities based on ADS-B messages (>80% aircraft coverage). Weather & Wind data kindly provided by OpenWeather. |
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Showing 1 - 20 of 184 Pictures
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() «Original livery»
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() «Original livery»
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() «Original livery»
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() «Gravel kit mounted»
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() «Rare AMS diversion»
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() «Conventional tail cone»
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() «Europa Jet Lübeck, seen here after being pushed back from its terminal A gate position, found a new home in 1987 in the US with Pan Am, from 1992 in Turkey first with Albatross AL, then Sultan Air and finally with Air Alfa»
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() «Non-standard bare metal belly»
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() «Non-standard bare metal belly»
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() «Incomplete livery, non-standard all-blue belly without stripes»
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() «Originally built for Air New Zealand, G-BJXJ was leased to Dan-Air London in 1982 from ILFC. By the way, the part of the name Dan represented the initials of the owners Davies and Newman»
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() «The Utrecht on diversion due to bad weather conditions in AMS. In order to be able to park as many aircraft as possible, which could also taxi off again quickly, staggered positions was chosen»
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() «The Maastricht parked in the cargo area as a diversion from AMS on a Sunday in autumn 1986. Because of the many diversions, the aircraft had to be parked in staggered positions on the apron»
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() «WDLs D-BAKI behind»
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