Weather Information

Monday, 17th February 2025
Düsseldorf, Germany
Current Weather
Conditions:Clear Sky
Feels Like:0°C
Wind:110 / 6 Knots
Humidity:59 %
Bar. Pressure:1025 hPa
Weather Information kindly provided by OpenWeather.

Runway Operations

Recent Activities
Departures Not Available
Arrivals Not Available
Wind Components
23-3.3 Knots
05 3.3 Knots
X-Wind 5 Knots
Expected Availability
Monday, 17th February 2025
23L/05RNot Available
23R/05LNot Available
Activities based on ADS-B messages (>80% aircraft coverage).
Weather & Wind data kindly provided by OpenWeather.

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Showing 1 - 20 of 102 Pictures

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▸︎ Canada - Air Force
▸︎ Canadair CL-28 Argus
▸︎ 20726

Günter Grondstein (1966)
▸︎ Egypt - Air Force
▸︎ Antonov AN-12

Günter Grondstein (1965)
«In 1965 AN-12Bs of the Egyptian Air Force called DUS a lot of times to pick up insecticides from BAYER Leverkusen against a cotton vermin plague. On August 20, 1965 SU-AOI made a crash landing at DUS.»

▸︎ Egypt - Air Force
▸︎ Antonov AN-12

Günter Grondstein (1965)
«In 1965 AN-12Bs of the Egyptian Air Force called DUS a lot of times to pick up insecticides from BAYER Leverkusen against a cotton vermin plague. On August 20, 1965 SU-AOI made a crash landing at DUS.»
▸︎ Egypt - Air Force
▸︎ Antonov AN-12

Günter Grondstein (1965)
«In 1965 AN-12Bs of the Egyptian Air Force called DUS a lot of times to pick up insecticides from BAYER Leverkusen against a cotton vermin plague. On August 20, 1965 SU-AOI made a crash landing at DUS.»

▸︎ KLM - Royal Dutch Airlines
▸︎ Douglas DC-8-55CF

Günter Grondstein (1967)
«Good old times!»
▸︎ Canada - Air Force
▸︎ De Havilland DH-106 Comet 1XB
▸︎ 5302

Günter Grondstein (1962)
«Operated by No. 412 Sqd based at Marvilkle, RCAFB, France at those days. Supporting Canadian troops in the Sauerland area, Germany»

▸︎ KLM - Royal Dutch Airlines
▸︎ Douglas DC-3

Günter Grondstein (1962)
«Scheduled cargo flight KL017 AMS-DUS-NUE v.v.»
▸︎ Canada - Air Force
▸︎ Douglas DC-3
▸︎ KP221

Günter Grondstein (1963)
«This Dakota in a wonderfull winter weather was assigned to the Canadian Joint Staff and based at London, U.K. Düsseldorf was often called by RCAF a/c visiting and supporting the Canadian troops in the Sauerland area not far away.»

▸︎ Südflug
▸︎ Fairchild F-27

Günter Grondstein (1963)
▸︎ Pan American Airways
▸︎ Boeing 707-300C
▸︎ N765PA

Günter Grondstein (1965)

▸︎ Pan American Airways
▸︎ Boeing 707-300C
▸︎ N765PA

Günter Grondstein (1965)
«Typical scenery on cargo ramp at DUS that time»
▸︎ Air France
▸︎ Boeing 707-300

Günter Grondstein (1964)

▸︎ Sabena
▸︎ Convair 440

Günter Grondstein (1963)
▸︎ Lufthansa
▸︎ Boeing 720-020

Günter Grondstein (1963)

▸︎ Air Safari
▸︎ Vickers 600 Viking

Günter Grondstein (1962)
▸︎ Olympic Airways
▸︎ Douglas DC-6

Günter Grondstein (1962)

▸︎ Skyways of London
▸︎ Avro 685 York

Günter Grondstein (1962)
▸︎ Pacific Western Airlines
▸︎ Douglas DC-6

Günter Grondstein (1964)

▸︎ Südwestflug
▸︎ Douglas DC-6

Günter Grondstein (1962)
«Operated for Air France»
▸︎ Transports Aeriens Intercontinentaux (TAI)
▸︎ Douglas DC-6

Günter Grondstein (1962)
«Note also old control tower in background»

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