Weather Information

Wednesday, 26th June 2024
Düsseldorf, Germany
Current Weather
Conditions:Clear Sky
Feels Like:31°C
Wind:330 / 3 Knots
Humidity:39 %
Bar. Pressure:1008 hPa
Weather Information kindly provided by OpenWeather.

Runway Operations

Recent Activities
Departures Not Available
Arrivals Not Available
Wind Components
23-0.4 Knots
05 0.4 Knots
X-Wind 3 Knots
Expected Availability
Wednesday, 26th June 2024
23L/05RNot Available
23R/05LNot Available
Activities based on ADS-B messages (>80% aircraft coverage).
Weather & Wind data kindly provided by OpenWeather.

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Showing 121 - 132 of 571 Pictures

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▸︎ Tayaran Jet
▸︎ Boeing 737-300

Michael Stappen (2020)
▸︎ Air Malta
▸︎ Boeing 737-300
▸︎ 9H-ADN

Michael Stappen (2004)

▸︎ 2Excel Aviation
▸︎ Boeing 737-300

Michael Stappen (2020)
▸︎ Jonika Aircompany
▸︎ Boeing 737-300

Arno Janssen (2020)

▸︎ Jonika Aircompany
▸︎ Boeing 737-300

Arno Janssen (2020)
▸︎ 2Excel Aviation
▸︎ Boeing 737-300

Rainer Spoddig (2020)

▸︎ 2Excel Aviation
▸︎ Boeing 737-300

Rainer Spoddig (2020)
▸︎ 2Excel Aviation
▸︎ Boeing 737-300

Arno Janssen (2020)

▸︎ 2Excel Aviation
▸︎ Boeing 737-300

Udo Haafke (2020)
▸︎ Transavia
▸︎ Boeing 737-300

Hajo Warnken (1988)
«Johan Cruyff, captain of the Dutch national football team in the seventies, here as the name bearer of the first Transavia B.737 series 300, approaches his parking position at terminal C»

▸︎ Universair
▸︎ Boeing 737-300

Hajo Warnken (1988)
«Was the first Boeing 737 series -300 on the Spanish register, delivered on June, 5th 1987 and she is seen here on her first visit to Lohausen in basic Sunworld Airways colours. A few weeks later EC-EDM was repainted in new Universair colours»
▸︎ DFD Deutsche Ferienflugdienste
▸︎ Boeing 737-300

Hajo Warnken (1989)
«Deutsche Ferienflugdienste, a subsidiary of Condor, was founded in March 1989 and took over two Boeing B-737-300 from Germania in July and September. The company ceased flight operations finally in February 1991.»

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