Weather Information

Friday, 14th February 2025
Düsseldorf, Germany
Current Weather
Conditions:Overcast Clouds
Feels Like:-3°C
Wind:320 / 3 Knots
Humidity:92 %
Bar. Pressure:1025 hPa
Weather Information kindly provided by OpenWeather.

Runway Operations

Recent Activities
Departures Not Available
Arrivals Not Available
Wind Components
23 0.2 Knots
05-0.2 Knots
X-Wind 3 Knots
Expected Availability
Friday, 14th February 2025
23L/05RNot Available
23R/05LNot Available
Activities based on ADS-B messages (>80% aircraft coverage).
Weather & Wind data kindly provided by OpenWeather.

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Showing 1 - 14 of 14 Pictures

▸︎ New Search

▸︎ Air Atlanta Icelandic
▸︎ Boeing 737-200

Stefan Fuchs (1993)
▸︎ Air Atlanta Icelandic
▸︎ Boeing 747-400
▸︎ TF-AAK Collection (2016)
«Iron Maiden World Tour»

▸︎ Air Atlanta Icelandic
▸︎ Boeing 747-400

Wolfgang Mendorf (2016)
«Iron Maiden s Ed Force One arriving DUS for the next concert on the world tour of the band. The aircraft is flown by lead singer Bruce Dickinson.»
▸︎ Air Atlanta Icelandic
▸︎ Boeing 747-400

Wolfgang Mendorf (2016)
«Ed Force One in Iron Maiden livery departing Dusseldorf to Munich for the next concert of the band. The aircraft is flown by lead singer Bruce Dickinson.»

▸︎ Air Atlanta Icelandic
▸︎ Boeing 747-400

Jost Gruchel (2016)
«"Ed Force One"»
▸︎ Air Atlanta Icelandic
▸︎ Boeing 747-400

Rainer Spoddig (2016)
«"Ed Force One" resting for two days on pos. V02.»

▸︎ Air Atlanta Icelandic
▸︎ Boeing 747-400

EDDL Photography (2016)
«"Ed Force One"»
▸︎ Air Atlanta Icelandic
▸︎ Boeing 747-400

Rainer Spoddig (2016)
«"Ed Force One" of Iron Maiden taxiing to stand after landing.»

▸︎ Air Atlanta Icelandic
▸︎ Boeing 747-400

Rainer Spoddig (2016)
«Approach of Iron Maidens "Ed Force One" on rwy 23L.»
▸︎ Air Atlanta Icelandic
▸︎ Boeing 747-400

Rainer Spoddig (2016)
«"Iron Maiden" is in town and makes a smoky touchdowm with its "Ed Force One"! »

▸︎ Air Atlanta Icelandic
▸︎ Boeing 747-200(SF)

Arno Janssen (2011)
«no titles, all white»
▸︎ Air Atlanta Icelandic
▸︎ Boeing 747-200(SF)

TT (2008)
«operating a special Charter flight on behalf of Cargolux routing BAH-SHJ-DUS-HAJ-BAH»

▸︎ Air Atlanta Icelandic
▸︎ Boeing 747-200(SF)

TT (2008)
«operating a special Charter flight on behalf of Cargolux routing BAH-SHJ-DUS-HAJ-BAH»
▸︎ Air Atlanta Icelandic
▸︎ Boeing 737-200(F)

Wolfgang Mendorf (1994)
«flying for German Cargo»

▸︎ New Search

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